Monday, July 21, 2014

Tiger Pride

How about a little Tiger Pride.
I worked on this tiger set all day yesterday.
I have a quilt in the planning stage
I also got the turtles put together - all but the last border.
My cute baby quilt turned into an ok twin size.
Sometimes I go a little overboard. 
I also spent most of the weekend doing alterations. What a way to ruin a weekend.
I kept thinking about all the things I could be doing instead.

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Too Cute Turtles

I really have no idea where all my time goes lately.
Seems like I'm just spinning my wheels and getting nothing done.
I am slowly getting my turtles quilt top together.
I've laid it out a few different ways and I really like this layout the best.
Now to put together - I wonder how many mistakes I'll make.
At least one turtle will will probably end up turned, no matter how careful I am.
I haven't had much luck at the computer lately so please forgive me -
hopefully I will get back in the swing of things soon.